JCP 2025 Annual Benefit — Thursday, May 1, 2025・6:00-11:00pm・Tribeca 360º — Secure Your Tickets Today

Become a Member

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Join our ever-growing community!

Membership is paramount to building and maintaining our incredible community. JCP members attend more events, create stronger relationships, and help us sustain our vibrant Center for Jewish Life in Lower Manhattan. 

As of July 1, 2024, we have implemented a mandatory, but flexible membership model, requiring all families enrolling young learners in the Early Childhood Center and Hebrew School Project to become members.

Annual Membership Benefits

Membership grants you special access to events and programs for all ages and stages of life, including:

  • $1000 reduction in ECC tuition, per child
  • $250 reduction for HSP tuition, per child
  • Free High Holy Day tickets
  • Access to lifecycle events, including Baby Naming, Bris, Conversion, B’nai Mitzvah, Wedding, Funeral, Unveiling. 
  • Free or reduced-price tickets to many events throughout the year. 
  • Members-only events
  • Monthly Tot Shabbats
  • Sing with Suzi concerts
  • Purim Carnival entry
  • Tax-deductible to the full extent of the law — please contact your financial advisor. 

Please contact us if you would like to learn more about membership.

Membership Levels

Two parent family

One parent family

Two adults

One adult

One adult
under age 30

One adult
(grandparent or family member)


Join JCP Today

JCP deeply values inclusion and pluralism. In order to support this, we have introduced a pay-what-you-can model of membership

A pay-what-you-can model promotes inclusivity by removing financial barriers that may prevent individuals or families from accessing the organization’s services. It ensures that everyone, regardless of their financial situation, can participate and benefit from membership in JCP.

Please note, only families paying the suggested rate for their category (i.e.: $3,000 per family) will receive ECC and Hebrew School discounts, access to our clergy’s b’nai mitzvah calendar and free tickets to High Holy Day services. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent provided by law. 

Membership Makes a Difference

Your membership is a commitment to the future of JCP. Our members are vital to our growth and sustainability, and have a voice in shaping this community.  We welcome you to see for yourself what makes JCP special. Please read below for our membership guidelines:

  • Only member families can enroll a young person in the ECC or HSP effective 7/1/2025.
  • Memberships renew annually on July 1st of each year. You may join at any time during the year.
  • Membership privileges may be canceled under the following circumstances: failure to pay tuition fees, violation of school policies or code of conduct, or withdrawal of the student by the parent or guardian.
  • Only families paying the suggested rate for their category (i.e.: $3,000 per family) will receive ECC and Hebrew School  discounts, access to our clergy’s b’nai mitzvah calendar and free tickets to High Holy Day services. As the Center for Jewish Life in Lower Manhattan, we do offer a wide range of programming that is free for all member families.

Still have more questions about membership? Contact Jolene at

Already a member? Renew your membership here!

“Our lives are made richer and more meaningful when we belong to something larger than ourselves. Our Rabbis intended for Jews to learn, pray, celebrate, mourn, and grow together. We can’t and shouldn’t have to go through life alone. You are an important part of our community, and we hope that you will commit to building and growing JCP by joining as a member today.”

Deena Silverstone

Rabbi & Director of Jewish Life