Tot Shabbat

JCP Downtown 146 Duane Street, New York, NY, United States

Hop, jump, dance and celebrate at JCP with Tot Shabbat!


Sing with Suzi!

JCP Downtown 146 Duane Street, New York, NY, United States

Attend an interactive and upbeat sing-along starring Suzi Shelton, an award-winning children’s recording artist and JCPlay teacher. This musical performance is for children up to age five and includes a snack. Sing and dance at this amazing afternoon concert series! This event is free for members or $20 for the whole family (or $25 the […]

2023 Purim Carnival

Join JCP Downtown on Sunday, March 5th at the Tribeca Synagogue from 2:00-5:00 P.M. for crafts, games, and magic! There will snacks, refreshments, and a Purim sing-a-long with our clergy. […]


Second Night Seder

JCP Downtown 146 Duane Street, New York, NY, United States

Join us for a fun community Seder led by Rabbi Deena Silverstone and special guest, Danielle Brody, author of the Haggadah entitled "Don't Fuhaggadahboudit." Experience an entertaining Seder with a modern twist and the story of Pharaoh and Moses reimagined in NYC.

Israel-Themed Buddy Scavenger Hunt

In honor of Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israel's Independence Day), we will search the JCP building and solve clues while learning about Israel.

Tot Shabbat

Hop, jump, dance and celebrate at JCP with Rabbi Deena and Rabbi Jacob!

Sing with Suzi

Attend an interactive and upbeat sing-along starring Suzi Shelton, an award-winning children’s recording artist and JCPlay teacher!

Friday Evening Shabbat Service

Join Rabbi Deena Silverstone to celebrate Shabbat at 6:00 p.m for a Shabbat Service serving Lower Manhattan.

Friday Evening Shabbat Service

Join Rabbi Deena Silverstone at 146 Duane Street to celebrate Shabbat at 6:00 p.m for a Shabbat Service in Lower Manhattan.

Tot Shabbat

Join your friends for a joyful and musical Shabbat morning with Rabbi Deena!

Tot Sukkot on Sunday

Celebrate Sukkot at JCP with music, dancing, and a bagel breakfast! Families with young children can join Rabbi Deena and Musician-in-Residence Molly Rose at 146 Duane Street for a fun […]

Tot Rosh Hashanah

Join Rabbi Deena Silverstone and our Musician-in-Residence Molly Rose Hoenig for a musical morning.