Senior Living Community Service Opportunity for Students
Students in 1st grade and up are invited to join Rabbi Deena to help lead a Shabbat service for a senior community.
Students in 1st grade and up are invited to join Rabbi Deena to help lead a Shabbat service for a senior community.
Join the JCP community to celebrate Shabbat.
Babies and their caregivers are invited to gather at JCP to sing songs and read stories with Rabbi Deena.
Join the JCP community to celebrate Shabbat.
Hop, jump, dance and celebrate at JCP with Tot Shabbat.
Join other grandparents in the JCP community for a book discussion.
Join us for meaningful learning and community building in discussions led by one of JCP's rabbis.
Sing with Suzi is an interactive and upbeat sing-along for families with children five and under.
In an event specifically for the JCP community, Rabbi Justin Pines will speak about understanding the current events in Israel.
Babies and their caregivers are invited to gather at JCP to sing songs and read stories with Rabbi Deena.
Join the JCP community to celebrate Shabbat.
We need kids (and their grownups!) to help us set up a toy drive for Room to Grow.
Shop for holiday gifts with us—a portion of the sales will go to JCP.
Join JCP on Instagram Live to celebrate Shabbat at 6:00 p.m.
Babies and their caregivers are invited to gather at JCP to sing songs and read stories with Rabbi Deena.
Join the JCP community to celebrate Shabbat.
Students in grades 8-12 can join JCP and the Park Avenue Synagogue for the annual Midnight Run, a night of learning and distributing donated goods to individuals experiencing homelessness throughout Manhattan.
Babies and their caregivers are invited to gather at JCP to sing songs and read stories with Rabbi Deena.
Join JCP for latkes, sufganiyot, and celebration at our Friday Evening Shabbat Service.
Hop, jump, dance and celebrate at JCP with Tot Shabbat.
Middle schoolers (grades 6-8) can join us for a festive Hanukkah Donut Crawl.
At this adult-only event, we'll make latkes, enjoy drinks, and spend time together during the holiday.
Join other grandparents in the JCP community for a book discussion.
Join us for meaningful learning and community building in discussions led by one of JCP's rabbis.
Join us for an informational session about celebrating your child's b'nai mitzvah in Israel.